venerdì 26 maggio 2017

This Week on the Criterion Channel


This week’s newest series, All the Screen’s a Stage, lifts a curtain on the passions, triumphs, illusions, and foibles of performing artists—and shows how some of the greatest filmmakers in the world have drawn inspiration from the traditions of stagecraft. Accompanied by a a series introduction from Criterion Channel programmer Michael Sragow, the seven-film lineup ranges from Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s dazzling vision of the ballet world The Red Shoes to Ingmar Bergman’s Oscar-winning family drama Fanny and Alexander.

Also up this week: a short and feature pairing to satiate your inner gastronome, a comedic portrait of 1960s Rome, a new conversation with Guillermo del Toro, and a double bill of top-prize Cannes winners.


Tuesday’s Short + Feature: Next Floor and Babette’s Feast

Treat yourself to a two-course meal: an early short by Denis Villeneuve (Arrival) gives a grotesque new meaning to the phrase “all you can eat,” while Gabriel Axel’s Oscar-winning adaptation of a story by Isak Dinesen serves up a feast for the spirit.



I Knew Her Well: Criterion Collection Edition #801

Antonio Pietrangeli cuts commedia all’italiana with a dose of melancholy in this underappreciated classic, an episodic look at the life of a beautiful young woman making her way through the celebrity-obsessed and sexually liberated Rome of the 1960s. This edition’s supplements include a recent interview with actor Stefania Sandrelli (The Conformist), as well as archival footage from her audition for the film.



Adventures in Moviegoing with Guillermo del Toro

In the latest installment of our Adventures in Moviegoing series, the director of Pan’s Labyrinth and Cronos joins MythBusters’ Adam Savage to talk about his cinematic passions and influences. To accompany their conversation, del Toro has selected some of the inspirations—including Georges Franju’s Eyes Without a Face and Jean Cocteau’s Beauty and the Beast—that have helped fuel the nightmares and fantasies that play out in his own visionary films. Check out a preview of the episode here.



Friday Night Double Feature: Rome Open City and Brief Encounter

What does Roberto Rossellini’s revolutionary portrait of a city under occupation have in common with David Lean’s heartbreaking story of a love affair? Both of these beautifully humanist masterpieces were among the winners of the top prize at the 1946 Cannes Film Festival.

from The Criterion Current

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