martedì 22 luglio 2014

Octodad: Dadliest Catch (2014)

Octodad: Dadliest Catch

“Who's that man with the eight strong legs?”

In 2011, budding game developer Young Horses, Inc. launched a Kickstarter campaign with the hopes of creating a sequel to their student project Octodad – a video game that is exactly what it sounds like.

Enter Octodad: Dadliest Catch. All glistening eyeballs, burbling murmurs, and tentacles, neatly kept in check with a Windsor knot, he flails majestically through the atmosphere. But Octodad’s weird cephalopod ballet through the wide blue yonder, tumbling past credits, isn’t a passive cutscene. With a few button presses his limp whirling becomes your own. You are Octodad, and you can thrash your freakish limbs into the very names of your creators.

Putting a new spin on the film-before-the-film approach to opening titles that many movies take, Dadliest Catch presents the player with a sly little game-before-the-game. And it’s yours to enjoy if you’re savvy enough to spot it.

A discussion with KEVIN ZUHN, KEVIN GEISLER, and CHRIS STALLMAN of game developer and publisher Young Horses, Inc.

Tell us a little about yourselves and your role in Octodad.

KZ: I'm Kevin Zuhn, creative director. I did a lot of level design, prop art, and writing for the game. I've been developing games for as long as I can remember, but Dadliest Catch is my first commercial release!

KG: I’m Kevin Geisler, producer, and one of two programmers.

CS: I am Chris Stallman, the art lead. I was responsible for character creation, the architectural art for the levels, and worked…

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from Art of the Title

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